21 Days of Gratitude- Day 21

I am grateful for Love.

Love is the universal energy of life. Love is at the center of our existence. It is the most powerful force, and source of energy there is. Love is the root of everything; happiness, sadness, anger, fear, joy, grief, jealousy, faith, gratitude, strength, compassion, communication, hope, forgiveness.....without love, these things would not exist or be possible. There's no limit to what love touches or brings to our lives. Love is the only limitless energy, and holds the highest vibration.

Loves awakens our soul and keeps us going. Love is the feelings, actions, thoughts, and energy that drive us behind all that we do, and all that we are. Love evokes our emotions; it makes us feel joy, happiness, and compassion, but it can also be the reason for our hurt, grief, and anger. When we love, we expose ourselves to these things. We make ourselves vulnerable to others, but how lucky are we to have, or have had, something that we love so much come into our life....no matter how long it lasts? We are loved by our parents, our children, our friends, our pets, and other special people that have come into our lives during our lifetime.

Love is the greatest gift of them all. The most wonderful thing you can give or receive is love. If someone is being mean to you, send them love. If someone is struggling with something, send them love. If someone has wronged you, send them love. If you're mad at someone, or someone is mad at you, send them love. If you miss someone, send them love. If someone hasn't spoken to you in a while, send them love. Sending love is freeing. Sending love feeds our soul too.

Love gets us through. Love keeps us going. Love keeps us together. Love helps us grow. Love helps us forgive. Love helps us flourish. Love helps us heal. Love is everything.

The energy of love never ends; it never dies. It is everywhere, especially in the deepest parts of our heart and soul. Love is inside us, and all around us. Love is our greatest power.

What are you grateful for?