Self-love Challenge- Day 1

Self-love Challenge-Day 1:

My favorite “put me in a good mood” movie is Annie!! It has been since I was little. I’m taking a page out of the most positive, self-loving little girls book tonight.

Annie says, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile!!” 😊


Start your day off by looking in the mirror first thing in the morning and smile at yourself!! I don’t care if you’re hair is all over the place, or you look dog Do it again before you leave the house.

Smile at every one you walk past in the hallway at work, even that jerk you don’t like or that doesn’t like you. Seriously, do it anyway. Smile at the grocery store clerk, even if she’s in a bad mood.

Do not get discouraged if people don’t smile back. This isn’t about them, this is about YOU! This is about what you radiate from the inside out. Smiling is the first step to self-love, and something you can also share with anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Smiling is a baby step; a small minor action, but it packs a lot of power. Watch what happens all day long when you smile. Notice how it’s making YOU feel on the inside.

Smiling is contagious!! You’ve got this!!