Self-love Challenge- Day 3

Self-love Challenge- Day 3:

We’re going to kick it up a notch and do something a little harder tomorrow....

We’re going to talk to ourselves!!

Choose a positive quote, or affirmation that makes you feel empowered, loved, courageous, etc. and repeat it to yourself all throughout your day, in your head or out loud if you’re comfortable!!

Have an office? Print it out and hang it on your wall if you want to. Put it on a mirror in your bedroom or bathroom and read it out loud in the morning to yourself. Visual reminders are awesome!!

Here’s the twist.....

Be sincere to yourself as your saying it. Feel the words. Process their meaning. Hold them for a moment. Let the love behind them into your heart. Because these aren’t just words to say. No. They are meant to make an impact on our inner being. They are meant to open our hearts to our own kindness, and our minds to be gentler to ourselves.

Yes, it’s perfectly ok if you cry. Learning to love yourself unlocks emotions and feelings you’ve been keeping from yourself. Crying can be a beautiful release, so go with it if that’s what happens.

Pay attention to how you feel after you’ve said your quote or affirmation a bunch. Is your mindset better? Are you being kinder to yourself as the day goes on? Are you starting to believe it?

You’ve got this! You are worthy of your own love. 💞💫