What is Self-care and why is it important?

Self-care is pretty simple. It’s giving back to yourself. Many of us play multiple roles in our lives and save ourselves for last, if not at all.

This is energy depleting and can absolutely lead to mental, emotional, and physical deconditioning. It is essential to our wellbeing to take time for ourselves and do activities that give back to ourselves, which will enhance our energy.

There are a multitude of options you can choose from in order to give back to yourself:

Take a bath, read a book, take a nap, go for a walk, get a pedicure, massage, or haircut. Visit a place that makes you happy, like a park, the beach, or a museum. Meditate, listen to music, sing, or take a drive and/or some alone time for yourself.

Self-care is anything that gives back to YOU. You are the most important role you play in life, and you can’t play any other role effectively or efficiently if you’re not taking care of yourself too!!!!
