If you don’t follow astrology, you may have wondered what Mercury Retrograde is all about when you hear people talk about it. This occurance is one of the few that affects everyone somehow, and its effects are always obvious. Once you begin to pay attention to how some events in your life change during these planetary phases, you will soon see how important it is to take note of them. By keeping track of Mercury retrograde periods, it can allow you to increase your productivity and avoid some of the frustration that occurs during this period.
Mercury doesn’t really move backward, but to the eye you will see that it appears to. After a three and a half week period, Mercury will reverse itself and appear to move forward again.
Due to Mercury being the planet that orbits closest to the Sun, its orbit is much shorter than Earth’s. About three or four times a year, Mercury speeds past Earth, and that is when we experience a Mercury retrograde period. As Mercury speeds by at a rapid rate of speed, it creates a powerful, stormy gust of “wind” in its wake. This turbulence and disruption Mercury creates when in retrograde, can affect what we feel here on Earth in our everyday lives; just like the moon and the tides.
What is important to note is that Mercury rules all types of communication, including listening, speaking, learning, reading, editing, researching, negotiating, selling, and buying. Mercury also rules all formal contracts and agreements, as well as important documents such as written agreements, deeds/leases, contracts, wills, and so forth. Included under this planet’s influences are all types of code, including computer codes, as well as transportation, shipping, and travel. When Mercury retrogrades, these areas tend to get scrambled or spin out of control.
Why does this happen?
When a planet retrogrades, astrologically speaking, it is in a resting or "sleep state" which means that the activities that it rules over don’t have the benefit of a well-functioning, wide-awake, firing on all cylinders planet to supervise them. Enter a bit of chaos in your life!
It is highly advisable to avoid making any important moves when Mercury is in retrograde. During this time, you may find that it will be hard to nail down plans, and complete projects, etc. for the future, and that anything accomplished, purchased, etc. during this time may have future complications down the road. It may also prove harder to get decisions from others, and even if a decision is made, it may be subject to change just after Mercury turns to direct motion, or much later.
Mercury retrograde is not a good time to do anything involving communications, like launch a magazine, website, any type of campaign, or begin any new endeavors, even if they are not related to the communications industries. As a general rule, retrograde period is not a good time to sign any contracts or even to shake hands on any new agreements. Avoid closing on a house during this time, and/or avoid signing a lease. Verbal agreements are considered the same as written ones. It’s not that the people you are dealing with are shady. It’s just that nobody can fully predict what conditions will be like later. Like if you buy a house, problems could pop up later that were completely unanticipated.
Since Mercury rules the mail and sharing of information, be very careful when sending important documents. Mercury retrograde periods are also notorious for causing computers to crash and for machines, appliances, and other electronic devices to need repair. Backup your computer in advance of any Mercury retrograde period. Wait until the retrograde period is over to run any software updates, etc. Weird things happen during these periods.
Mercury also rules trade and commerce, so its advisable not to buy or sell anything expensive during its retrograde phase. The only time you should buy something expensive during a retrograde period is if you are returning something you already bought.
There are many people do not travel when Mercury is retrograde due to the technology aspect of the retrograde period; flight delays, overbooking, lost baggage, etc. However, you can take a trip for pleasure during these periods, which is highly encouraged. Be mindful that forgetfulness can be a problem during these phases. You are way more likely forget your boarding pass or passport, lose your cell phone, or keys, or lock yourself out of your house or car!
The romance aspect of our lives is not exempt from this period either and tends to go a but haywire too! Couples tend to create miscommunications that in turn have a higher likelihood of spiraling into larger issues or arguments during this period than they normally would. Try not to jump to conclusions, strive for clarity, and do your best to stay grounded. Significant others could also have a sudden change of mind..... like wanting to break up, and then turning around and wanting to reconcile later. People aren’t always thinking straight during these phases, which is why a lot of people tend to hear from old friends, and/or ex-boyfriends/girlfriends out of the blue. Mercury retrograde is notorious for creating confusion!!!!!
Breathe and take everything slow during this period. Realign, refocus, reflect, reassess, renew, and reconnect with yourself during this time. The best way to get through this period is to disconnect from technology and the outside world, and reconnect with yourself. Refocus your efforts and reassess what is important to you. Its a great three weeks to realign and get back on track! Carrying some Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, and Fluorite during this time will help keep you grounded, protected, focused, and help you communicate better too!!!
To read more, click here: https://www.nbcnews.com/better/pop-culture/what-mercury-retrograde-there-anything-it-ncna825726