Ok guys, we’ve talked about Gratitude. We’ve talked about Self-love, and today I want to talk about toxicity; toxic things, situations, and people. Toxicity threatens our joy, our peace, and our self-love to name a few.
Something or someone came to mind when you read the word toxic, whether it be an environment, coworker, friend, or family member.
We have all known, or felt, the energy of toxicity. It doesn’t feel good and drains us of our own energy. And yet, many of us continue on in those situations out of obligation, love, responsibility, etc.
I’m here to remind you that regardless of who, or what, is toxic in your life....you have an obligation, and responsibility to love yourself enough to either take a large step back, or walk away completely. Because the person who’s going to suffer from the toxicity is YOU. The effect that it has on you is like a ripple in the water touching everything else in your life.
If your environment is toxic, explore changing it. If your coworker is toxic, distance yourself. If your family is toxic, set boundaries...for yourself and for them, even if it’s just time limits. If your friends are toxic, have a conversation about how you’re being effected by it, if you think the friendship is worth saving. If not, cut the cord.
Don’t allow toxic voyeurs on your social media pages. You know what those are right? They don’t have a right to see your happiness (or have access to your more private life), let alone steal it. Once you hit the delete button, or unfriend/unfollow button you will feel so much more free and happy....with just the click of a simple button!!!!
I felt SO inhibited, and judged by certain people on my pages that for my own well being, self care, and self love....they had to go! I can’t compromise on that; it’s how we get ourselves into trouble. It’s how we fall down the rabbit hole.
Are there some people who are worth keeping?! Yes!!!! You know who they are by their heart, their genuineness, and the overall value they bring to your life. But toxic people are very different from these people and it’s our responsibility to differentiate and be discerning in our recognition of who those people are!
And those are your words of wisdom for today! Whoever you are that needed me to post this because it randomly popped into my head! Good luck and love yourself! 💞